Mrs. Geary (Class Teacher – Mon, Tue, Wed PM)

Mrs. Bastock (Class Teacher – Wed AM, Thurs, Fri)

Mrs Hobbs (Teaching Assistant)

Mrs Spiller-Bigley (1:1 Teaching Assistant)

“Welcome to our class page. We hope you can find everything you need here, but if anything is missing then please let us know and we will update the page as quickly as we can!”

Key Information for Parents:

  • Homework is set on a Friday and is due on the following Wednesday. Homework may be written or online.
  • Spellings are given out at the start of each half term. Tests will be on a Friday morning. Spellings may be from the year 3/4 word list or part of our whole class spelling pattern covered in daily spelling sessions in class.
  • Swimming is on a Monday. Children will need a swimming costume (trunks not shorts for boys, no bikinis for girls, please), swimming hat, goggles (if you have consented to them being worn) and a towel. Earrings need to be removed.
  •  PE is on a Thursday. Please ensure full kit is in school at all times. (T Shirt and Shorts for indoor with pumps, t shirt and joggers for outdoor with trainers) Jewellery must be removed for PE including earrings, rings and headbands. During cold weather, we may still be outside for PE. Children may wear joggers  and jumpers/hoodies if they are plain grey/black.

Curriculum Overview

Click here to see an overview of our learning for the year

Our Long Term Plan is currently being updated and may be subject to change.

Class Newsletters

Advent 1 Newsletter 2024-25

Key Learning Sheets

English Key Learning Sheet

Our key learning sheet for English is the same for the whole year. It has our end of year expectations on. This allows pupils to refer to it when writing and ensure everything is included in their writing.

Y3 Expected Grammar Mat

Year 3 Expected Punctuation Mat
