The Chaplaincy Team is made up of Year 6 pupils. They volunteer to be in 1 of 5 different groups, each with different responsibilities.

Liturgy Group
We work alongside the Lay Chaplain to plan and lead Acts of Worship during the year. We also take responsibility for the Prayer Room and special Liturgies during the year such as Rosary, Veneration of the Blessed Sacrament and Stations of the Cross.

Welcoming Group
We welcome visitors and perspective parents into school and show them around school. We are trained to do this and work with a partner to point out all the wonderful things about our school.

Pastoral Group
We support EYFS pupils who have just started school. We ensure that they have someone to play with and are happy during lunchtimes.

Monitoring Group
We work with the RE Subject Leader and the RE Governor to monitor and evaluate the Catholic Life of the school and contribute to RE book scrutinies and pupil lesson feedback.

Fundraising Group
All of year 6 play a role in deciding which charities we would like to support during the year and how we would like to raise money. Events can include: cake sales, sponsored events and non-uniform days.