‘Welcome to year 2′s class page. I hope you can find everything you need here, but if anything is missing then please let us know and we will update the page as quickly as we can!’ – Mrs Currie, Class Teacher.
Curriculum Overview
Click here to view our Year 2 Long Term Plan 2024 25
Important Notices for Parents
- PE is on a Monday and Friday – please ensure your child has the correct kit in school.
- Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday
- Homework will be sent home on a Friday to be returned by the following Wednesday.
- Spellings will be sent home at the start of each half term with a spelling test every Friday.
Key Learning Sheets
Our key learning sheet for English is the same for the whole year. It has our end of year expectations on. This allows pupils to refer to it when writing and ensure everything is included in their writing.
English – Grammar Mat
Lent 2
Pentecost 1
Pentecost 2
Useful Links and Apps
Maths Apps
This year your child will start learning and be tested on times tables. We will start with the 10 times tables and progress onto the 2′s and 5’s when the children are ready.
To support their learning of these we have some tried and tested apps.