RSE Information
RSHE or Relationship, Sex and Health Education is taught
throughout a pupil’s time at St Peter’s in-line with guidance
from our Diocese of Nottingham and the Department of
Education. Throughout the year, all classes will be following ‘A
Journey in Love’ to compliment what we already do in school.
On our policy page, or the link below you can find our full
policy, which clearly shows how each part of the expectations
of the curriculum is met through our Catholic Social Teaching
principles, PSHE, Come And See, and Science curriculum – of
course, as is everything we do at St Peter’s, this is taught with
the Gospel Values at the heart of it.
Parents of year 5 and 6 pupils are informed of when these
sessions will be, what they entail and have the right to withdraw
their children from them, although parts of it is mandatory in the
science curriculum. A chance to view the materials is available
at the parents’ information workshop in the Pentecost
(Summer) Term.
If if you have any questions whatsoever, please don’t hesitate
to contact your class teacher through the normal means.