Teacher: Mrs. Fraser

HLTA: Mrs Barker (Tuesday)

Teaching Assistants: Mrs. Hill

Welcome to our class page. I will be updating regularly and hope you can find everything you need. Below is a copy of this half terms newsletter, a copy has also been sent home with your child. If there is anything you can’t find please feel free to contact me via Dojo, in the play ground or call the office and I will phone you back at a convenient time. Many thanks   – Mrs. Fraser

Lent 1 Newsletter

Annual Overview

Please find below a copy of the Year 5 Annual Overview. I will ensure the most recent copy is available.

Year 5 Long Term Plan 2024 25

Key Learning Sheets

Below are the Key Learning Sheets for the current Science, History or Geography topics.

Properties Of Materials Key Learning Sheet – Science

Tudors Key Learning Sheet – History


Reading plays an important role in your child’s education. It is recommended you listen to your child reading their school reading book at least 3 times a week, even if they are a competent reader, and provide a signature along with the date, title and pages read. This, along with reading for pleasure can be recorded in their reading record which will be checked by an adult weekly. If your child is not reading regularly at home a quiet time will be provided during a play time. When school reading books have been read, it is your child’s responsibility to change them.

Your child will have their school reading book, a book selected from the classroom library and a ‘free choice’ book from the school library. We will visit the school library on a Friday where books can be changed if needed.

We endeavour to introduce them to a wide variety of texts during their time at St Peter’s however, if you are looking for a book for your child, please check out the link below to some recommended reads for your Year 5 child. These may be an idea for a birthday or Christmas present.

Books for Year 5 pupils aged 9-10 | School Reading List


At St. Peter’s, we follow the ‘Words their Way’ spelling scheme. Below is the link to this half terms weekly spellings which children will be tested on each Friday. There is time during the week to look at these spellings, but it is strongly recommended they are also practised regularly at home.

I have also included the Year 5/6 Common Exception Words which children need to be spelling correctly in their writing – these form part of their weekly spellings too.

Lent Term Spellings

Year 5&6 Common Exception Words


We have 2 PE sessions each week, these are on a Wednesday afternoon (with PE coach) and Thursday morning. Please ensure your child has the correct PE kit in school on these days and ALL jewellery is removed.


As well as spellings and reading, your child well have weekly homework.

Homework will be set on a Wednesday and is due the following Wednesday where we will mark it as a class. It will consist of 1 piece of literacy and 1 piece of maths each week, occasionally Science, History, Geography or RE work will be set instead. In most cases, homework will be a consolidation of what has been learnt in class therefore should be completed mostly independently.

If homework is not completed a quiet time will be provided for it to be done in school.