Start of the year until October half term and summer term
Weather permitting girls are allowed to wear blue check dresses or along with the boys either dark grey trousers, skirts, pinafores or shorts, plain white shirts/blouses (ties are optional during this period) or polo shirts. If polo shirts are worn they must carry the school logo. Jumpers should be V-neck with the school logo or cardigans with the school logo. No other jumpers/cardigans/polos etc. from the alternative retailers are accepted as part of our school uniform.
After October half term and the spring term
Apart from Foundation Stage, who wear light blue school logo polo shirts throughout the year, pupils are to wear white shirt and school tie (boys and girls) with either dark grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress. This will include regulation jumper or cardigan described above.
Black school shoes are to be worn. No boots. If it is snowy children may come to school in wellingtons and change into their shoes whilst inside the building.
PE Kit
White T-shirt, black shorts and grey joggers, which can be purchased from any suitable retailer. School logo T-shirts are available but optional. Round neck sweatshirts can be purchased for PE. On PE days KS1 pupils are permitted to wear tracksuits all day – if they so wish.