Welcome to our Year 4 class page. I hope that you can find all the information and details that you need. If you would like any further information then please do not hesitate to contact us.

Teacher: Mrs Read

Learning Support Assistants: Mrs Hill, Mrs Hobbs and Mrs Barker.

1:1 Learning Support Assistants: Miss Chadwick and Mrs Thorpe. 

Curriculum Overview

Year 4 Long Term Plan

Class Newsletters

Our class newsletters include more detail about the curriculum for each half term although this may be changed if necessary. 

Advent 1

Advent 2

Lent 1

Important Notices for Parents

  • Homework is set on a Friday and is due on the following Wednesday. Homework may be written or online.
  • There will be a weekly times table and spelling test each Friday and the dates and details will be sent home at the beginning of each half term.
  • Ukulele lessons are on a Tuesday. Your child will be able to  borrow an instrument from the school and further details about this will be sent home during Advent Term 1. Please ensure that your child brings their ukulele into school every Tuesday as we do not have any spare instruments available.
  • PE is on a Tuesday and Thursday although please ensure your child’s full P.E. kit is in school at all times as this can sometimes change. For details of the P.E. kit that your child will need please refer to the relevant part of the school website. All jewellery, including earrings, must be removed for P.E. Earrings should be removed at home before coming to school or by your child at school.


Follow this link to go to a brilliant page with lots of maths games to play:

Top Marks maths games

Click on the image to visit the activelearnprimary website for Maths and English homework! Check back regularly as new homework is added all the time! Children who do not have access to a computer at home can attend a homework club at break/lunchtime. Children who do not complete online homework will be asked to catch up in break times after the deadline.

Click on the image to go straight to our Times Table Rockstars page. Your login is your first initial and surname. You have been given your password in class. Please do not share this with anyone else.

Beaumanor Hall

In February the children will be having a one night residential at Beaumanor Hall. Further details will be shared nearer the time.