Teacher: Mrs. Crowley 

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Reid, Mrs O’Neill

“Welcome to our class page. I hope you can find everything you need here, but if anything is missing then please let us know and we will update the page as quickly as we can!” – Mrs. Crowley  Class Teacher.


Please find below Year 1’s newsletters

Advent Term 1 Newsletter

Advent Term 2 Newsletter

Lent 1 Newsletter

Key Learning Sheets


The Human Body

Science The Human Body Advent 1

Geography- The Local Area

History- History Toys 

ScienceKey Learning Sheet Animals– Animals


Homework  is set weekly and may be written or online. Please access the links below for information about our Ruth Miskin Phonics scheme. 

Read Write Inc

Follow this link for our phonic scheme by Ruth Miskin.

Every child a reader

Click the link below for our recommended reading list for year 1