Our Aspirations for English:

At St Peter’s children are supported to write for a range of purposes and audiences. They are encouraged to develop a neat and legible handwriting style. We promote reading for pleasure, expanding their vocabulary, and increasing their fluency. Furthermore, we teach our children to develop confidence in actively speaking and listening.

English Reading Skills Progression

English Writing, Grammar And Punctuation Skills Progression

Click here for a sample medium term plan

Our English Curriculum

Our English curriculum is guided by Literacy Tree, a comprehensive and thematic approach to primary English that places children’s literature at its heart.

How It Works

Literacy Tree is an award-winning platform that immerses children in a rich literary world, fostering strong engagement and providing meaningful contexts for learning primary English. Through this Teach Through a Text approach, children become critical readers and develop an understanding of audience and purpose in writing, as they encounter a wide range of significant authors and diverse texts, including fiction, non-fiction, and poetry.
As a whole-school approach, Literacy Tree ensures that children explore at least 100 literary texts and experience the works of over 75 unique and significant authors throughout their time at our school. This curriculum provides complete coverage of all National Curriculum expectations for writing composition, reading comprehension, grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary, as well as spelling. Each plan leads to purposeful application within a variety of written outcomes.

Please click here for a Whole School Mapping Document For Literacy Tree